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« For the love of stop motion | Main | Coraline Mystery Box Swap - is on! »



i'm not certain i'll have the time to commit to this but I LOVE the idea!


I would do it in a second - as long as there was enough time to get things together (I'm a full time graduate student with two internships and a boyfriend who has a roommate with a cat that requires you to play mousie with him at every waking moment...consequently free time is very carefully managed)

But if you do it. I would be first-ish in line. And I am so excited about the coraline movie. I loved the book so much.

squirrel momma

Count me in!

Lemon Tree Tami

How fun would that be! It's very odd but I read the book a couple months ago and didn't realize that it was being made into a movie until I saw the toys at Carl's Jr. Since then I've seen the trailers and can't wait to see it.


Oh, I have been so excited for Coraline ever since I saw the ads on Deviantart! I almost immediately rushed out to grab the book, and finished it the same night, such a wonderful story!
I am MOST DEFINITELY Interested in participating, I love this sort of craft swap!

Salem Winter/Mo Phelan

If you decide to do it, count me in. This was an idea I also toyed with. I think it would be lovely.


I too would love to participate in a Coraline swap, it is right down my alley ;)

sandra murta

oooh, a Coraline swap... I would love to join!
would this swap be open to people outside the US?


I'd be up for it, too! But I also might need a bit of time to get things together, so don't go too hard on us!



I would LOVE to participate in a swap like this!!


Sounds divine! I'll be here with bells on!


Sounds like fun, but I wouldn't qualify since I'm not a blogger. :-(


I'd be in as well, if you'll include international entries (Australia). Otherwise I might just have to make that box I was thinking of on my own.


Yes! A thousand times yes. I am in for any size box. Please do organize this, it's a great idea for sharing some of the magic of the film and taking inspiration from its beautifully hand-crafted figures and sets.


Super cool idea, I love projects. Please include me, I am always interested in a great swap. Thanks!


What a perfectly spectacular idea. I just finished the book because I think my daughter's book club is about to read it. It was wonderful and I would totally love to do this with you.

LIndsay B..

I'd love to!! I can't wait to see Coraline!!

Heather Robertson

I'd love to do it! Let me know if you go forward with this project.

Heather :)

Moses Roberts

You can totally count me in on this one! This is an awesome community idea.

Melissa Burford

I would love to be involved if you end up doing this!!


Hi! I worked on this film and I assure you it's going to be stunning. I can't wait to hear what you think!


Sounds like just about the coolest idea ever! I would love to do it!


oooh, i want to do it! stop motion is my favorite fantastical-ness. i made my boys watch the nightmare before christmas from october to december and they are not even two yet. count me in if this works out. yay!

and those boxes were incredible. a little daunting to try to follow that, but i am game.


I'm in. Love to see what different minds around the world create and swap.


Count me in!

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