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probably dating myself by saying this, but it reminds me of ornaments we made using the square flash cubes, we would cut the plastic outside, throw out the bulbs, then use the bottom to glue on a little santa or tree and then re-glue them. oh, and we would make a hole at the top to attach a ribbon to it.

love your version, easier to work with :)

i cant sew

wow wow wow, that is so cute and such a great tutorial to follow. i would love to know how you put the red arrow on the photo (or even your name ) i have enjoyed making some christmas craft already but i think this will have to be on my to do list. thanks %*_*% rosey

Carol Baicker-McKee

Incredibly cute - and perfectly do-able with little guys. You have one creative idea after another. Thanks for this one!


Good lord woman. I'll say it again, you are BRILLIANT. Who knew you could do so much with gum trash. Heh.


So cute! These would make good tree ornaments, too. Very clever:)


I'm currently reusing one of these containers as a travel container for Excedrin. I know that will have to stop once I have kids, but until then, it's very handy.


another genius idea!


Fantastic! Super duper cute.


thats so awesome! I need to start eating mints now instead of gum...


why are you so clever?? what a super cute -- and simple -- idea to reuse something that would go in the trash. it makes me wish i celebrated christmas and ate mints. ;)


This is so cute ... of course I had to rush out and get the wood figures. What would you recommend for getting the sticky part off the mint container. I couldn't find the doublemint mints so I tried a tic tac container but I can't get the label off cleanly.


Did I ever tell you that you are super clever??
Wonderful idea, I will try it with my kids as a Christmas Craft ... the granny is a Tic Tac mint eater ...!!


You are making me do a double take every time I go to throw away some candy wrapping! That is a super genius idea! Thanks for sharing it with us! :)

esther coar

as always - your work is perfect. my girls and i spent a few hours playing with our baby you made. it is rare i let them play with her - it was a wonderful way to spend some quiet time in this crazy season.

Missy K

That is such a creative idea! I love it.


I am in LOOOOOOVE with your blog!!! I wish I had more time right now to surf all over it! I will be back though!! I am putting you in my favs! I am in love with all the softies! I have never made one and I REALLY want to try!! Thank you for all of this amazing inspiration!!!!!

angela almond

so cool - and I do not just mean the mints!!


These are just so cute. I think I would love to try and make them. I love things like this. Can you tell me please if you are going to have any more of little babies for sale. I keep peeking at your shop hoping to see them again. Would love to purchase a couple. Thank you

Bus Stop

This is a fantastic idea, well done!! I have couple of empty Tic-Tac boxes I was saving cos I thought i could keep seed beads in them, but this is a much more fun use for them!


What a great idea for next Christmas. Will have to bookmark this one.


Very clever. Great instructions too.


tebrik ederim verdiğiniz bilgiler için teşekkürler


What a darling idea--thanks fer sharing all your ideas

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