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Oh my goodness,not you too! It's all about the $$$$.


Congratulations on the new shop! How exciting.


what a great adventure! way to go!


Yay! I've been hoping you'd have a shop someday! I just ordered my baby kokeshi pattern, I can't wait to try it!


Good luck for your new venture (and ignore any grouchy posters). I will watch with interest - for the "pattern for dummies" to buy ehehe


Oh, these are adorable! But I was hoping you were selling the finished ones! Knowing me, I would just look at the pattern over and over and say, "someday... sigh...!" LOL!


Myra, way to go! And such an appropriate item on the first go, given your blog title and header. I can only imagine how much hard work you put into setting up shop, but also putting together the pdf file?! I love your gumption!

BTW, the other night we saw a small hedgehog and I immediately thought of you and your hedgehog creations. Too cute!


You made a amazing work, those Kokeshi are adorable!


TO HELL WITH THE PATTERN...SELL THE DOLLS!!!!!!...Congratulations!


Those are just the sweetest things..
keeping my fingers crossed for you. although I know you will sell tons of these!


I'm a lurker but I had to say I think this is a great thing for you to share your ideas and poo on grumpy comments.


Best Wishes on your new shop!


yay -- you finally opened your "shop"! i'm happy for you ... good luck with this new endeavor. but remember, keep it fun and don't add any stress to your life by trying to add too many items to the shop. as much as we like to see (and now buy) your crafts, it should bring you pleasure. :) omedetou!


It is about time you had a shop!!!
Lots of good luck!


Finally, a shop! I, for one, am glad that you will finally get something for all your hard work and creativity.


These are super cute! Your work is amazing!


Congratulations on opening a shop Myra! What a horrible first comment you got there! If anybody should open a shop it's you, you make so many things I wish I could make and/or own. :-)

yay for you and these dolls, they are totally pretty!


Oh so sweet and just perfect for Girls Day! Here in the US we celebrate Father's Day and Mother's Day but not Boys & Girls Day like they do in Japan. Best of luck & best wishes!


Great idea & product! :)


they are so wee and cute! why shoulnd we sell our hard-earned-sweat-and-tears ladden products!!
well done girl!

t. miyashiro

I am soooo glad you finally opened a shop! Hope this all leads to more new and exciting things - I just placed my order :)


Congratulations, Myra! I know your shop will be a big success and this is an adorable project!

Amy P. in TN

So wonderful! I wish you all the best on your newest endeavor! I'd never heard of Girls' Day before reading your site...guess my head's been in the sand! Way cool!!!

Amy P. in TN


Hello, today I decided to post a comment, your blog is one of my favourites... and i pass by almost every day. i appreciate very much your work. Thank you for all the different things.


Myra I'm so excited that you are doing this.Can't wait for your next pattern.


I just love your tiny things, just adorable.. I think the baby kokeshi dolls are just the sweetiest things.. Monica

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