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We like to have our Christmas decorating culminate in the tree decorating sometime closer to Christmas. Our tree always gets really sad looking if we have it up for too long.


cute joke! and even cuter penguin! For Buddy, here's my favorite joke: What's brown and sticky? Answer: A stick!

Gets me every time :)


First I thought the answer would be: penguins! Glad the Hawaiian polar bears don't eat penguins coz that is very cute! ;-)


I'm telling that joke to my daughter the *minute* I pick her up from Kindergarten this afternoon...


I like the way he has little hairs sticking out everywhere -- very cute. Hope to get going on a Christmas card this afternoon!


Mark's going to love that joke.

We went to get the tree on Sunday and they had SOLD OUT. I'm on a tree waiting list - can you believe it?


Dahahahah! I'm soooo stealing Buddy's joke!


what a cute joke! and this penguin is also a cutie.


Brr-ittooss. Ha.


ian would love the penguin so much (his favorite animal) and i'm sure he'd get a kick out of the joke!

and i love that you took the picture of the penguin on a stack of ice cubes -- so clever ... as always!


cool penguin very cute.


Very cute penguin Myra!
We're done with our company it'll be time for the family partys coming real soon...
The baby girl is sleeping...once she's up we're heading to the mall to finish up our shopping!


hee hee - Love Buddy's joke
(and, it goes without saying, your lil penguin, too!)


This Christmas just snuck up on me! I love the joke and the penguin.

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