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mmm...cute little monkey & delicious looking mochi!


Mmmmmmmmmmyra! You are really killing me with those mochi pics. The monkey of course is a sweetheart but that last image of the strawberry mochi. Mmmmmmmah-velous!!!


I swear a I nearly die of cuteness every time you updated your blog - that little monkey is just too cute!


I'm hanging out for some chocolate or something sweet and there you go showing me some gorgeous mochi...drool...mmm.
Love the monkey!


mmmmmmmy goodness...


alright, you have dragged me out of lurk-ville... what are mochi and how do I make them?!!! they look absolutely divine! for months I have been enjoying your blog and had no idea the title had to do with sweets of which I know nothing... please educate!


mmmmmmyra you're SO clever.


Aaaaa! Mochi! With strawberries inside, even! I can't stand it!

Sorry, hormones talking. But suddenly I have a mochi craving now.

Have a great Mmmmonday!


i love that last mochi it makes me hungeee!


Love your little monkey. Such a cutie.

And that strawberry in the mochi made me gasp. Looks SOOOO yummy!!



(actually, it's more like "GRRRRRRRReat!" but I didn't want to mix my advertising metaphors too much!)


Oh my, that monkey is adorable, and those sweets???? ARGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!! I wnat them NOW!
they look delicious! If this is monday.... hmmm imagine Sunday!


My goodness, where did you get that mochi?! I wish I could find such good mochi in Portland! :)


monkey & mask - super cute! mochi? WOW! I have never seen one like that - incredible!

Jen da Purse Ho

oh my that monkey is so cute! and that mochi looks so delicious!!!


Oh my freaking god. Where did you get that mochi?

Also, that monkey will be showing up somewhere soon. I feel it.


OMG, that mochi w/ the strawberry center looks sooo good! Would microwave chi chi dango work to make that I wonder?


i want mochi now! monkey is soooo cute too!


Ooh, did you get the mochi on the Big Island? The monkey is such a cutie pie:)


Where did you learn to make all these cutiepie stuffies? Would it seem rude for me to beg for a generic stuffie tutorial? You are just fabulous!


Is that mochi from Two Ladies Kitchen? I love that place...


MMMMMMM i wish i could have a bite of that strawberry mochi right now!


Oh, my goodness, that mochi! I've never seen so many lovely varieties. So beautiful!


oh goodness, those mochi's look awesome!!

Have you tried the ones they sell at KCC farmers market? I'm down for some lilikoi mochi anytime!


the strawberry mochi looks dam delicous, can i have 1??

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