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Oh my god! she lovely!!! your job is amazing, i love everything you do with your hand and your imagination. This little girl is very sweet with her tiny dress and tiny bag!


She is adorable! The urge to make tiny clothes may now take over your life*L*


She is definitely much cuter than any Blythe dolls!


So beautiful.


Katie is sure a doll! (har har har) Sorry couldn't resist. I love the detail on her yoke. She is tre chic!


Forget that doll. Yours is waaayyy BETTER THAN a BLYTHE.


Oh, my goodness! This is just breathtaking! She is delightful - Blythes freak me out a little, but Katie is divine!

Edith from France

I am not fond of these Blythe dolls, and yours is much more adorable & absolutely perfect !


She is adorable and much cuter and budget friendly than Blythe! Have fun accessorizing!


Oh my! She's so adorable! I love her hair! And her dress! And her puppy.


ooooh, I love her, better than Blythe if you ask me...


She is beyond brilliant Myra!!! I just love the way that you have done her face. Perfection.


I love her! To be honest, I like her better than a Blythe. Awesome!


I love her! I love her better than Blythe! Could you give a bit of instruction on how you did the hair? I've been trying to work out how to do yarn hair for ages, to no avail. I would really appreciate some pointers!

Mimi K

She is wonderful! I love her sweet face, especially the eyebrows (always a challenge!). And her little purse- fantastic!


over on flickr, I was thinking "this is so cute" Now that I know it's your creative alternative to spending way too much money on a doll, I think it's even more fabulous!!! I also have to say she is so much cuter than a Blythe and other handmade cloth dolls I've seen on gals' blogs!

Tania Ho

She's absolutely beautiful, Myra (and I'm not a fan of Blythe dolls, but I'll start a Katie fan club anytime :)


Oh!!!! I love her. She is like an up-market version of Blythe...I definitely think you could make her a full wardrobe of gear. In fact - I insist!!!

stephanie s

she is perfect, and like others have more or less said, a much better version of blythe.


This is so way better than a Blythe! I don't get the whole Blythe thing but I was never a doll person anyway. My brother and sister and I played with GI Joes and Johnny West figures. Oh, and trolls--we made lots of things for them to wear and play with.
Have fun creating things for her-that's the best thing anyhow, you crafty devil!!!


how, how, how are you able to make such kawaii things?!?! it is truly beyond my comprehension! i am totally smitten with her, too. great job on the details and i can't wait to see her little shoes and pjs. (how did you get her arm to stay up in the last picture?)


This is a super doll! Really great attention to detail and her face is so sweet. Awesome!


She is just adorable, I'm in love with her and her cute outfit! But does her eyes shift colour? Or maybe that is for your next doll? :-)



She's so lovely! I think I like her better than Blythe, too, actually. She looks a bit less stuck up her own bum... ;^)

Now I want to make myself a doll to dress up, too....


Oh, Myra, she is absolutely the best! I think she's far, far cuter than a Blythe (oh oh, I don't think I should have said that out loud) and her accessories are great! You *know* how I am with doll hair, I think you did an amazing job. Her expression is so winsome, fantastic details. She's just perfect. But a bigger wardrobe is definitely in order.

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