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After you get used to take pictures of mini crafts, you would have problem photograph larger stuff. >_<
Love the dots on the kokeshis :-D


How sweet! Love your dots. I love miniature crafts too but I alternate between large and small because small only canbecome a strain to me. Fortunately I have my trusty "mag eyes". No girl's day here as my daughter is spending the school holidays with my parents.


Oh my goodness, 1 1/4" high? You must use a brush with a single hair the way medieval illuminators did. They're just beautiful! I like the one in the middle especially. What kind of paint do you use??

mimi k

so cute! I love their kimonos. I think there are sizes that we feel comfortable working in and it is hard to change. Go, go miniatures! You are so good at it!


Those are adorable. I could have a whole room filled with those sweet little girls! Great job. And I think the pictures are just wonderful. :)


I just love them. They're adorable and your photographs are just fine! :D


I love the flowers in your kokeshis' hair.


your kokeshi dolls are sooo cute! the first thing i noticed were their kanzashi in their hair! my 18 year old daughter was impressed by a girl's day doll collection she saw at an older hula sister's home and now wants to start her own - she already has a handful, but not properly displayed cause she never was a doll person....oh, and the cakes look so beautiful and ono!


hey you should sell those dolls! they are adorable! i'd def. purchase one to sit next to my lucky cat (he's lonely) =)


Cheerful little chicks. They made me smile after a long day with 2 lively monkeys.


super cute little gals! and i thought i did a lot of eye straining pieces. love all the girl's day food/crafts going on at your place, impressive! i barely remembered that it was girl's day :O



What bakery did you get those cakes at? Too awesome.


I have a big collection of kokeshi, though mine are mostly the red and green ones. Yours are so charming...I'm a big sucker for little dots!!


I love dots too. I think it's so amazing that such a simple shape can create such a satisfying and delightful design. It's nearly magical! =o)
Absolutely adorable work, btw.


I love your little kokeshi dolls! They are adorable! My dolls are packed away in storage at my mom's. My daughters have never had dolls - shame on me! I have never seen cakes like those. So cute! Where are they from?


Your kokeshi are adorable. I have two or three larger ones from when I lived in Tokyo. Where do you get your 'forms' from? I agree with Supertoki, you should sell these. I'd buy a bunch.


I want to be in your family - how cute are they!?


Those are adorable little figurines! And the cakes are so cute! I would almost not want to eat them. :o)


those are great myra.
i love the detail you've painted on the dolls.


What cute Kokeshi! Those cakes are so darling. What a neat idea.

crafty champloo

beautiful kokeshi! is that guava cake?


The 3 Kokeshi are SOOOOO amazing! You must have a gift for working with tiny things (my hands are just too clunky). Just wondering if there's any possibility of swapping for one of your Kokeshi? :-)


you are my daughter's favorite store- she looks at your work and then says - basically - well stop looking - start painting - creating - stitching. go mom go! don't worry about laundry, cooking, or anything. i need those little dolls so paint! paint! paint! and i am happy to oblige. you are blessed with unbelievable talent and obviously a heart of gold to share so willingly with us. every time i see a new post - i get excited because i know i will enjoy it. thank you for sharing your traditions also. next year - i am celebrating girls' day with my 2 girls and their friends.

Passions & Distractions

The kokeshi are so amazing!!!! I had the hardest time just stopping staring at them to post a comment! Your attention to detail is just superb!!!!


I'm so jealous. I have two boys so we didn't celebrate girls' day on this end but I wish there was a bakery nearby where I could get a cake for boys' day. :) Do you think your SIL would send me one? ;)

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