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Wow! You *are* the leading lucky duck! Beautiful stuff you got in the mail, the hedgehog (?) paintings are so sweet!


such great mail day karma!

thanks for sharing it all with us....


yay! you got the package ok. i'm glad you like the stuff.


lucky duck indeed! note to self:save money to go to bjork store in iceland.


I'm glad they arrived safely and you liked them up close. I'm so jealous that they get to live in Hawaii and I don't!!


Wow! That looks great! Am gonna check out the other bloggers as well. Enjoy your gifts!


Great gifts! Kam' Day was indeed a lucky one for you. The Net has opened up the world for sharing unique and incredible talent. It is mind boggling!!!


Oh lovely packages. Frizzle is fab! Oh and I can't remember if I rold you on your last post how much I love your space and your wips! They are great! (I may be telling you again, but I am okay with that *smile*)


Great stuff!


I love your blog so much! It is full of such good energy, and I am inspired everytime I visit!


oh you did have a nice mail day! i would've been happy with the chocolates and the monkey pouch....

missellz are truly a lucky duck! Beautiful stuff! Happy swapping!


Damn. I need to go to an all BJORK store.


I would love to go to Iceland. And I think I would spend a whole day in a store with everything Bjork.

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