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Your stencils are so cute and look as if they've come out really well! I'd love to give this a go too but I don't think we can get freezer paper here in Australia (as far as I know).

Gina L

I've been wanting to try the freezer paper too, just haven't got around to it.


oh my goodness myra!!! i love it, it is fabulous! i cant believe all those tiny cuts, so little scissors are the way to go it seems like. and thanks for the tip on the gocco ink, i was going to try that next. i really like the way the speedball ink is working, ive used it twice. and the jacquard fabric paint is very nice and thick. please add your pics to the pool sweet lady!


LOVE the monkey! Taro Gomi is my favorite children's book author. I ordered fabric paints on Monday...cannot wait to test out this whole freezer paper stencil thing!


Very cute!


So funny that's what every one says about it. Makes one a bit scared to


um dude. what do you want in trade for making me a shirt w/ that same monkey. seriously. i am DYING here.

Aimee Roo

wow!! what a fun way to do shirts. it is so cute too.


WoW! It's easier than screenprinting!! Your t-shirt looks great!


That looks great! So impressive. By the way, my husband bought me that crazy and wonderful monkey for my birthday a couple of years ago!


it really worked! and it came out beautifully. okay, so when is craft day?!


Ack I'm jealous. I tried screen printing on a purse and did NOT have a nice success story like yours. But you make me want to try again yes you do.


looooooooove the monkey! i have a pkg of the freezer paper ready to go but haven't dared it yet - you've inspired me!


That is awesome... I'll have to get some supplies and try one soon!

Creative Kismet

Awe! This is a great stencil!! A very cool looking monkey I must say!!


I love the monkey and the shirt! What is he doing on that chair?

So many crafts to try, so little time...


Wow! I keep seeing these. Yours is SO cute!! I want to try this but am afraid of starting yet another new thing with how hectic my life/schedule is right now. I'll have to mark this in my to-do's..sometime! :)


Your monkey came out wonderfully! Wow!


Gee, thanks a *lot* Myra. I'd resisted the freezer paper thing, reserving mine solely for applique and quilts, until now.

I'm with you on the X-acto knives, they give me the heebie jeebies, I tell ya. Manicure scissors, here I come.




Great monkey! And another craft to add to my list....


I was totally going to do that freezer paper thing too!

I love xactos. They are one of my favorite things. If I was Oprah it'd be on my list. But I'm not.


Cute idea. Hmm, I got a lot of freezer paper. I wonder if my stencil creme dried up?


This is definitely on my list of things to try!

Passions & Distractions

The freezer paper project has been on my list ever since Amy mentioned it. Now it's just finding time.

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